SABIS - Amin Salam

Amin Salam

Amin Salam, from the Class of 1998, graduated from Sagesse University with an LLB and moved to Cambridge to attain an LLM, and finally attained a degree in International and Comparative Law from George Washington University Law School. He is now a managing director at Ankura in Washington DC. He has over 15 years of experience in global business development and is a legal expert. At the moment, Amin is the Vice President of the National US-Arab Chamber of Commerce, and has served as the primary liaison between the United States and the 22 countries in the Middle East North Africa (MENA). Prior to this, Amin was appointed to serve as Senior Economic and Policy Advisor for Maryland Commission for Middle-Eastern American Affairs. Additionally, Amin has led trade and investment missions in over 25 countries in partnership with Departments of State and Commerce in order to support U.S. government economic initiatives with a focus on the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) countries. Moreover, Amin was awarded the President of the United States “E” Star Award, which is the highest recognition that a U.S. entity can receive for supporting export activity. This was the first time in the awards 54-year history this title was awarded to a personnel from a Chamber of Commerce that is dedicated to US-MENA relations.